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white spirit

White Spirit is a petroleum-derived solvent widely used in various industrial and domestic applications. It is typically produced by distilling crude oil and refining the lighter fractions. White Spirit consists primarily of hydrocarbons with carbon chains ranging from 9 to 16 atoms, giving it the properties that make it effective in its primary uses. Its boiling point range is typically between 148 and 199°C, as indicated by its distillation characteristics.

White Spirit can be categorized based on its chemical composition, with varying amounts of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Depending on the intended use, it can be refined to different levels of purity. The specifications for White Spirit include critical test parameters such as sulfur content, flash point, color, and density. The total sulfur content is typically capped at 1000 ppm, ensuring that the solvent has minimal impurities, which makes it suitable for sensitive applications like painting and varnishing.

The flash point of White Spirit ranges between 38 and 42°C. This moderate flash point indicates that while it is flammable, it is safer to handle compared to solvents with lower flash points, making it ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. White Spirit is also colorless (ASTM D1500 color index of 0), ensuring that it does not affect the appearance of paints, coatings, or surfaces it is applied to.

Density is another important parameter, ranging from 775 to 779 kg/m³, which is in line with its hydrocarbon structure. This density range provides an indication of how the solvent will behave in various mixtures or as a cleaning agent. The solvent’s distillation profile, as determined by the D-86 method, specifies the initial boiling point (IBP) between 148 and 155°C and the final boiling point (FBP) between 195 and 199°C. These boiling points ensure a steady evaporation rate, which is crucial in its use as a paint thinner or degreaser.

White Spirit has a wide range of applications, including thinning paints, varnishes, and coatings, as well as cleaning and degreasing metal surfaces. Its chemical composition and low impurity levels make it an ideal solvent for these purposes. Additionally, it is used in the formulation of printing inks, adhesives, and certain types of resins. Due to its moderate flammability, White Spirit is a safer option in environments where more volatile solvents might pose a greater risk.

White Spirit is available in bulk, drums, or custom packaging options, meeting various customer needs.